Humanofort Oligopeptide Growth Factors

Humanofort Oligopeptide Growth Factors

Humanofort Oligopeptide Growth Factors (HOGF) have been studied for their potential to improve overall health. HOGF is a proprietary blend of low molecular weight oligopeptides (amino acids) that have been clinically proven to increase the production of human growth hormones such as IGF-I and HGH. Recent research suggests that HOGF can also aid in the regeneration and maturation of specific cells in the body, leading to improved physical performance, metabolic balance, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the science behind Humanofort Oligopeptide Growth Factors and how they can benefit your health. Humanofort Oligopeptide Growth Factors contain natural endogenous peptides and growth factors. This includes; IGF-1, IGF-2, FGF (fibroblast growth factors), EGF (epidermal growth factors), CTGF (connective tissue growth factors), Follistatin, and Thymosin B4.

Humanofort contains low molecular weight oligopeptides (amino acids) that have the capacity to influence a myriad of biological phenomena in your body. These Growth Factors can increase energy production, enhance protein synthesis, improve cell membrane integrity, support tissue regeneration, increase collagen production, produce an anti-inflammatory effect, and much more.

Composed entirely of naturally occurring peptides that are present in the human body, Humanofort is a safe and natural product used to promote health and well-being. Utilizing the science of Liposomal Delivery Technology, the bioavailability of Humanofort is far more effective than other common sources of these growth factors.

By understanding how these powerful molecules work to help you achieve optimal health and wellness goals, you can use this amazing product as a supplement for improved energy levels and overall physical performance.

Oligopeptide Growth Factors have been studied for their potential to improve overall health. Humanofort is a patented whole-body recovery and general health supplement that has been clinically proven to increase the production of human growth hormones such as IGF-I and HGH. Recent research suggests that HOGF can also aid in the regeneration and maturation of specific cells in the body, leading to improved physical performance, metabolic balance, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the science behind Humanofort Oligopeptide Growth Factors and how they can benefit your health.

The natural growth factors in HUMANOFORT are low molecular weight oligopeptides (amino acids), which are quickly and easily assimilated and transported through the bloodstream to their specific receptor sites.

Humanofort extract containing naturally occurring growth factors (not to be confused with other growth chemicals) pass intact through the gut into the bloodstream, mainly by pinocytosis.

Pinocytosis [pin″o-si-to´sis] is a mechanism by which cells ingest extracellular fluid and its contents; it involves the formation of invaginations by the cell membrane, which close and break off to form fluid-filled vacuoles in the cytoplasm (see an accompanying illustration). adj., adj pinocytotic.

This peptide is characterized as an adaptogenic one (i.e a product that helps to modify the equilibrium of hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex). This apoptogenic activity is a consequence of fine-tuning exerted by the growth factors from the standardized oligopeptides extracts on the adrenal cortex.

Due to its mechanism of action (regulation by the growth factors in a paracrine manner of adrenal cortex activity), the growth factors from the oligopeptides support modifying the equilibrium of all the hormones secreted by the adrenal glands.

Also, Humanofort Growth Factor peptides support stimulating the division of mature cells and significantly support decreasing the mortality of older cells, and assist the body in normalizing numerous cellular processes by activating the fibroblast growth factor receptors. When this occurs, healing is accelerated and a variety of cellular processes are normalized/ stabilized.

Humanofort Oligopeptide Growth Factors help bring balance to the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. Humanofort growth Factor assists the entire endocrine system in achieving homeostasis and efficient operation. Next, the endocrine system secretes hormones at optimum levels resulting in improved cellular signaling. Improved cellular signaling results in cellular rejuvenation and ultimately translates to optimal health longevity and restoration of youthful vitality in the body.

Humanofort growth factor peptides have a demonstrated apoptogenic effect and act at TWO levels:

1) Normalize the adrenal cortex activity (androgens, glucocorticoids, and mineral-corticoids); and

2) At the cellular/tissue level, exert cyto-3 stimulating, cytoprotective, and anti-oxidative properties).

Buy Humanofort here.